Can You Tell me How to Get to Sesame Street?

Can You Tell me How to Get to Sesame Street?
Kindergarten Kid

Last Monday, May and I headed over to her Elementary school where the Kindergarten class list was posted on the front door.  May had been hoping to land 'the teacher in the blue dress' for her classroom teacher.  What are the chances that I would spot little Marion Wickham's name in the 'Blue Dress' column? 1 in 5.  And sure enough, that twenty percent chance became reality: her first school year would unfold under Miss H's care.  As we walked back to the car, a charming white United Postal Service truck ambled up to the sidewalk.  Our postal carrier, Brittany, hopped out of her truck to deliver the school's mail.  May told her the big news and in turn Brittany reminisced over watching May crawl across the farmyard not too long ago.

Our friend 'Farmer Dan' came by later on to drop off a big load of compost for the field.  May recapped the whole magical morning to him and he congratulated her on making it to Kindergarten, wishing her well.  Later on we cooled down at our local library and the beaming and benevolent librarians got the recap too.  All the sudden it felt like I was watching little Elmo bop around a town of sweet, familiar faces, comrades all playing a part in the big play of life.  

I wonder what character she'll be now that she is entering the greater world...the farmers' daughter?  The little bippity boppity cartoon girl with endless ideas and an insatiatble imagination?  A little Elmo in her own rite who trails sunbeams behind her?  

I'm so glad she lives surrounded by a cast of characters as sweet as Big Bird and Grover...occasionally an Oscar.  May her glasses maintain their rose color.