Wishing you Love

Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays from the four of us.
Grandma sent an email out to all of her family and concluded it by encouraging us to 'keep loving one another'. In my life's book she is one of the sages, an ethereal sort of character who seems to keep the moving parts of life in perspective. And seemingly, in spite of the labryinthine nature of life, she has always walked through it with grace, and with love...taking the good with the bad and chocking it up to life. Could it be she was endowed with her father's legendary light heart and humor? No matter, it is a way of being which I admire very much.
Our May appears to have this same celestial light in her. On the drive to school before her holiday break, she shared with Jack and me that she "sometimes gets this feeling, like (she) doesn't know why she is here". Why are humans here? "I can't really describe my wondering question". I suggested to her that this is one of the great mysteries that no one has an exact answer to. I went on that I think we are here to love and be loved. Everyone has something to contribute to the great spirit of the world. I feel that our souls seek to be satisfied by being part of something greater. And after my postulation, we sort of sat thinking and feeling until Jack asked for his anthem, the "Grinch song" to be played. These waters were a bit deep for 8:30 am.
In a busy world where the point of it all can get lost in the mix, it's the epitome of a Christmas Eve tucked in our warm little home with my kin which emanates the meaning of life. To give love and to receive it, to act in love and to protect it.
I wish you love and a happy holiday surrounded by your people. And I hope that next year all your troubles will be miles away.