March, It's You

March, It's You

That transition into green has begun.  The first of our garden bulbs are peeking above the soil line.  Winter aconite is painting the forest floor a bright yellow.  Ahh...a sight for sore eyes!  Welcome, March.

In March I find myself incessantly peeking at the strawed garlic planting we put in in the fall to catch the first sight of those first green tips rising above the straw.  Seeding for the field begins in earnest as we start to pack the growhouse with germinating trays of tomatoes, peppers, herbs, and on and on.

We are looking to erect our hoop house frame this month as long as we can catch a time when the field is not an active slip and slide from the thaw and March rains.  The sooner we get that puppy up, the sooner we can have tomatoes on the table :).  30 feet by 70 feet of tomato glory...we can't wait!

We are getting all of our ducks in a row for a great season...preparing tools, getting the barn organized, revamping our market look.  As the sun shines longer with each day, so we increase our activity and the ground slowly comes back to life so that we can get growing.

2020 Foxhole CSA
Sign up for the second year of our csa (limited spots available)!  CSA stands for community supported agriculture.  Though there are various models, we prefer to structure ours as a credit-based subscription.  This is the best way for our regular customers to shop with us!  You get exactly what you want at a discount and with the quickest transaction!  This allows us to foster a dynamic community of folks who appreciate good food!

Purchase your CSA membership here:

How does it work exactly?
Sign up now by paying $200 for your share.  This buys you $220 worth of credit to spend at our farmers market booths at your leisure!  This means you don't have to come every week to pick up a box of predetermined produce.  You get to pick out what you like, when you like.  Whenever you shop, we will keep track of how much credit you use.  That means that there is no need to exchange money after you sign up!

Where can I use my credit?
You can use your Foxhole CSA credit at both of the farmer's markets that we are going to be attending weekly as well as any pop up markets that we may attend this year.  The two weekly markets include:

Oakwood Farmers Market, Saturday's 9-1 from June-October
22 Orchard Drive, Dayton OH
This Old Couch Farmers Market, Sunday's 12-3pm from May 17th-October 18th
3930 Dayton Xenia Road, Beavercreek OH

What can I buy with my credit?
You can purchase anything that we bring to market, which includes a rotating array of produce, Rich's sourdough bread, my "Farmer's Fuel Granola", floral jellies from the farm, potted herbs and plant starts, and whatever else we dream up this year.

In the spirit of transparency...

  • At market, it is first come, first served.  We try to bring enough of all produce to satisfy everyone, but we are unable to predict market traffic from week to week.
  • You must use your credit during the 2020 market season.  We are not going to roll credit over into 2021.
  • We are rain or shine folks!  We plan to attend all markets.  However, if there is extreme weather or a family obligation, we could leave market or miss a market.  In this case, we will be sure to send an email blast as soon as we know we will not be there.

Please email Sam with any questions!