November-Doubling Down
I exercised my democratic right and now I'll wait to see which administration will steer the ship next. But more importantly, I will return to my tangible world that I inhabit to double down on my contribution to it all. Because that, in fact, is within my control.
Too many times this past month, I've found myself feeling hopelessly worried about the world and saddened by the tribalism of our society. I've tuned into various media outlets shouting the most incendiary headlines they can muster to persuade me to see the world their way and to act. And more often than not, the words are designed to elicit fear, and even worse, to develop ill will and hatred toward the opposition. They've been persuasive enough for my fear center to be triggered as I worry where it's all going.
How human of me...But really, what difference do I make by fretting over what will inevitably unfold one way or the other? In accordance with the butterfly effect, my despair infects the people in my life, burdening them with the blues, dooming them with my gloom. The weight even falls on my kids, curbing my playfulness, disrupting homeostasis, and challenging that sense that everything is okay. That's our job as parents, isn't it? Providing our kids a safe harbor, free as they can be from the severity of the real world, so that they can first get on their feet?
I come back to the same few questions which guide me through uncertain times, times when life on earth feels topsy turvy. What do I want to contribute to it all? What world do I want to live in? My answers to these questions revive my defeated spirit, reminding me of the agency I have. In fact, I feel so much stronger for the fact that I can treat people, despite differing beliefs, as fellow humans. The aggression that touches me, whether it be the road rage of the little Chevy on my I-75 commute, or the inflammatory political output that abounds, it can stop at me. I can build a resistance to the viral-like hostility that exists, and which is condoned by politicians and the media outlets that endorse them. I can refuse for my personal Hyde to overcome Jekyll, if I recognize that duality of self exists. For I do believe that people lose their true selves, inherently founded in love and goodness.
And even more importantly, I can feed my mind and soul by doubling down on this life we've carved out. A well-fed soul is capable of much good. All the while our interconnected internet world fools our brains into believing we are everywhere at once, I am really here, having my effect on the world around me. To realize that my responsibilities lie primarily in my motherhood and my role as a farmer in this community alleviates the pressure of the world on my shoulders. In regards to the first, I can already see that we are raising two love bombs, who think for themselves. And if I can keep our home clean of cynicism, I will sleep well knowing that two more human beings are well on their way to enhancing humanity. And in regards to the second, our farming pursuits, the simplicity of working the land to provide food for market, well, Rich and I have found a way by which using the skills and interests we have, we can play our part in the world. I've always been attracted to endeavors which you can hold in your hand...maybe so that I can feel what is real, and to keep myself grounded.
The more that Rich and I refine our craft, the more food we have been able to provide for the table. And just as I'm feeling more compelled than ever to double down on our efforts, it just so happens that tomorrow morning, we will invite a crew to the farm to erect two more 72' hoop houses. By the end of the week, we will have tripled the covered growing space we manage, allowing us to cultivate bigger harvests earlier and later in the year. And in keeping with our gradual growth as a farm, now that we have laid the groundwork to step into bigger shoes, and we have regenerated the soil to grow lush with life, we look forward to a doubling down on this vocation of ours.
Because a world I want to live in includes access to good food and a well-fed mind, and for me personally, collaborating with the sun to make something out of a few seeds and some soil which I can bring to the community table.
Updates from the farm:
-Hoop House Installation: We already have a 72' high tunnel which we have relied on for early spring veggies and to house our summer tomatoes and ginger. Two more of the same size will be constructed over two days, weather permitting. We feel very grateful to have received funding from the NRCS High Tunnel Initiative which helps to cover the cost and encourage farmers to conserve resources and to extend the growing season for local growers. As part of the project, we had partial cost coverage for frost-free hydrants in the existing hoop and the two to come. We are over the moon about this.
-Online ordering continues: We still have veggies coming for you (and baked goods too). Every Monday our online shop opens with what is available. Orders are picked up on Saturdays from 10-11:30 am from the Oakwood Farmers Market lot where we park, ready to hand off your goods.
-Thanksgiving Preorders: We are continuing our tradition of baking and harvesting for your Thanksgiving celebrations :). Foxhole pumpkin pie, Dutch apple pie, rolls, and specialty breads abound. Preorder your baked goods anytime and we will offer separate ordering for produce the weekend before. Pick up for Thanksgiving orders is Tuesday, November 26th from 4-6:30pm in the Oakwood Market Lot.
Thank you for reading :).
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