October-It's Time to Look Through the Fall Lens

October-It's Time to Look Through the Fall Lens

It’s when the summer heat starts to back off and the goldenrod is blooming in the field that we breath a little sigh of relief.  We are still bringing in fall crops, but all of the squash is harvested and stored and we are preparing for the inevitable first frost.

In all honesty, when fall hits, it feels like the end of a party.  I feel a bit woozy from the rush of summer.  But I have yet to get home…not time to rest yet.  We must prepare the farm for winter.  This year that includes prepping the hoophouse soil for planting.  Fingers crossed we get seeding in for some winter greens!  But before I get ahead of myself, I should take stock of the fact that we survived this wild summer…new babe, hoop house completed in the nick of time, Covid-19.

And now…with those tid bits of free time we find for the first time in months we sneak in some nostalgic fall indulgences: running in between rows of trees at our local apple orchard on the hunt for apples, baking projects with May in our kitchen with the windows open to allow the crisp air to cool us down, reading spooky Halloween books about witches’ brooms, Charlie Brown always somewhere nearby, and my favorite walks along trails crispy with leaves and as May calls the evening sky, “Gold in the Sky”.



The last weekend of farmers markets this year (both Oakwood and This Old Farmers Market in Beavercreek) is the weekend of October 17th.  However, the freshly harvested and baked goodness won’t stop there!  We will continue to pop up on Saturday’s from 10-12 in the same spot we occupy at the Oakwood Farmers Market to offer pick up for  online ordering!

That means that each Tuesday we will open the website for ordering.  You can order your produce, bread, granola, pastries, etc by Thursday evening and we will have your pre-packed goods ready to pick up from 10-12 in the parking lot at 22 Orchard Drive in Oakwood (just behind Starbucks).  You can opt to drive through and we will load your order…or walk up to our table to snag it.

If you would like to join our weekly order reminder email list, click the button below to sign up!  An email will be sent to you on Tuesday’s to remind you that our website is open for ordering each week.

What can you look forward to this fall and winter?

We will be growing shoots and microgreens all winter as well as herbs.  We expect to have spinach, baby kale, salad mix, and honeynut squash for weeks to come.  Our classic Farmhouse sourdough bread and granola will be on the menu as well as other breads and pastries throughout the winter.  We will hope to have our hoophouse producing greens, radishes, and more this winter and certainly in early spring.  Needless to say, there are great things to look forward to.

We will be happy to have a connection with you all this winter as we are typically holed up and simply making deliveries during this time.  We look forward to seeing you throughout the fall and into the new year.