Our 1st Debt-free February

Our 1st Debt-free February
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How are you? I've been asked that question so often lately, it seems the universe is looking me deep in the eyes...now is the time to answer that question.  Don't even think about mindlessly spitting out a "good" and moving on.  It's the month of tranquility for us.  The month that unless we are bringing a baby into the world (Jack 1/2020), we have the most time to be idle, think and set intentions.
How am I? The end of 2021 culminated in rediscovering my physical ability.  After years of a precipitative auto-immunity storm, we did the hard work and got my body what it needed to come back to homeostasis.  And sweet serenity!  To just be comfortable, sleep through the night, and then to come into a truly energetic state for the first time in four years...wanting to dance with the kids then go for a run down the bike path that winds past the south side of the farm, and stay up to share late night conversations with Rich about something OTHER than my body.  For the most part that wellness has been sustained, with a couple of minor regressions that I have ridden my way through.  The morals of the story are: keep an awareness of yourself and kick chronic stress the heck out of your life.  In a way, I'm grateful that I have a physical reminder that on-going stress is toxic.  I've compared the experience to the tale of Dorian Gray... a hidden-away portrait of him grows increasingly grotesque, manifesting the ugly way in which he lives his life, recording all of his 'sins'.  The body and soul are in relationship with each other and if one suffers, so does the other.  

So, in response to that question, I am good.  I'm better than good, because I don't feel like I'm running blind anymore.  I have the reins at the very least.  And beyond that I'm so pleased to say that for the first time since founding Foxhole, we are going into our slowest month of the year debt-free.  That big nest egg and more that we offered to the gods, Kubota, etc to start the farm...it's not for naught.  Though our heads have just cleared the surface of the water, we have surfaced!  And it feels SO good to think a little less about what we load into our grocery cart than we did last January.  We beat our solvency projections by nearly two years...and we haven't been functioning at full capacity with me being nearly benched last year.  This is what hope looks like.  

It's deep winter and the snow is snow globing this afternoon and the barn cats are peeking in the windows, fogging up the glass.  I'm warm and a bit sleepy, content after a week celebrating Jack's birthday and filling orders.  How are you?

Updates from the Farm:

-We've started The Foxhole Journal...these monthly newsletters will be posted there free to all.  To read our other weekly writings, how-to's, Q&A's, etc, subscribe as a Foxhole Member or a Sustaining Member.  This is a great way to support what we do, and you'll get more personal and detailed insights into what we do and how we do it.  

-In tandem with our writing, we have started a YouTube Channel where we will post videos as often as possible that bring you onto the farm with us.  Let us know what you'd like to read or watch!

^latest video^

-Come see us at the 2nd Street CSA Fair: Sunday February 6th (11-3 pm).  We will be there with other local farms to tell you all about our csa membership.  

-Baby chicks are coming to the farm this month...stay tuned to our Youtube channel and Instagram for sweet footage/photos of those ladies.

-Lambs are due anytime...so.many.babies!

-Online ordering continues through February.