
flowering buckwheat 

I'm not quite sure how summer solstice isn't a federal holiday...what a time to celebrate!!  It's the day that we are tilted the furthest toward the sun in our northern hemisphere.  We have the most daylight hours to work with of any day of the year and the sun's rays are their most vibrant.  The plants are all SO alive from it and I feel that way too.

Well, Rich and I made a point of ringing in this peak of sunshine and tied the knot on solstice a couple of handfuls back so that we could also have our party on the longest day of the year.  It just feels festive around now...I oddly found myself gravitating toward Christmas carols while clipping shoots...a time I often find myself wanting to sing.  I guess to me it is the Other most wonderful time of the year.  Anything feels possible in the field...weeds and cultivated crops growing in leaps and bounds, racing each other to the top of the canopy.  I guess I'm feeding off of the sun too...really ready for a summer here, here for the good and the bad and the marshmallow campfires and the eventual annual breakout in poison ivy.

And as Rich and I meet for frozen coffee in the heat of the day, I see him tired but having fun...just like we used to when it was just the two of us working and learning on someone else's farm.  To be honest, we missed a lot of that the last few years that we were in the throes of pregnancy and babies and my poor health.  Here's to another longest day of daylight of the year...and to one during which our team here at Foxhole is a little stronger :).