I wish you love

I wish you love

Rich and I did what we should do more often and stepped out of our well-worn routine to experience live music, one of life's greatest pleasures. A few good friends and people who remind us to look up, gifted us tickets to see the exceptional Jon Batiste. Those of us in the small theater the night of the show bathed in the energy which poured forth from the creative mind and the untethered talent set free onstage. The immense musical talent alone would hardly have had such an effect. It was the spirit and the soul of the show which led to a transcendental Tuesday evening.

The musicianship inherent and developed in this single individual is astounding, yes. And it has opened up a platform for this man to effuse love through the language of music. Maybe music is better than speech as it is subtler and more evocative and most importantly, universal. But like anything therapeutic, I could feel that despite the late hour of our exit onto the streets, the crowd was charged. Our souls had been satiated by an evening of communing, touched by the sentiments that flooded from the piano, chilled by the vocal depth, moved to dance by both the irresistible percussion and the freedom that the band felt onstage to absolutely let loose. Being a born people watcher, and always curious about the humanoids crossing paths, I couldn't help but notice a couple who were obviously new to Jon Batiste and who seemed to be going into the show blind. Two impartial first impressions were about to be made.

Fully immersed in the song and dance, I really didn't sneak a visual until the end of the show. When the lights turned on, after Jon Batiste, his melodica, and the band snaked their way through the entire theater, I noticed that the couple next to us had just received the same musical therapy we had. It was time to go, but the habitual and impatient human traffic jam did not ensue. Instead, the lot of us seemed to mosey out, to float out into the open air as we came back down to earth. All of us were off to see the end of our Tuesday night through and to wake up in the middle of the week, with our agendas waiting for us.

But that lovely feeling inspired by a thoughtful performance, maybe the sense memory of it is enough to remind all of us who experienced it how life can be. Maybe all the bright, shiny Jon Batiste's of the world will emanate love through their work or the through the people they touch in their lives to help bring people together. To come from a place of love, in our work and our relationships. And especially to act with intentions of fostering love in the world. Maybe some of the deep rifts in our society can be stitched together if this approach catches like a fire. It seems the world really needs it. And I know I need it in my life. When I wander down the dark or disbelieving road, or absorb negativity, inspiration is obscured and I feel further away from my true self.

But it doesn't take hiking it to Indianapolis to see the show of a lifetime to fuel the fire. Turning everything off and sitting with the most imaginative little humans on the rug and asking what world they've created with their toys today, turning on some music and opening all our stores in the kitchen to put together a spontaneous meal for Rich and me on a Sunday evening, walking outside to see what's new on spring's menu...crocuses and soon daffodils, making my delivery route and having an impromptu chat with my favorite sandwich shop owners and bright minds...simple but enough to totally invigorate me. There is so much loveliness, and so much love to be found.

Thank you for reading :).

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