Dear ____,Thank You

Dear ____,Thank You
Stillwater River kids

I didn't know it was Thanksgiving time because we haven't entered dormancy yet. In fact, we have had more engagement than ever this November in large part due to mild weather conditions, but also thanks to increasing interest in what we do. Each week, I've been finding myself baffled, hands on my head as I write out a plenitude of orders to fill with our weekly harvest and bakes. People root us on from near and far, encouraging my writing in our Foxhole Journal and supporting our work on Instagram.

We are living in a time when this good fortune is not to be taken for granted. Our family continues to live our life, undisturbed by the acts of atrocity which unfold all the while across the world. While our day to day routine is status quo, our hearts are deeply disturbed by the disparity between our life here and those of the innocent people trying to survive war.

The least I can do is to take stock of what we have, namely the safety of our kids and the freedom they have to walk out of their house fearlessly, eyes wide with curiosity, ready for another day under the sun. With small potatoes problems in our life this Thanksgiving, we are so fortunate.

Being immersed in a community of good people here in Dayton and in our greater network beyond, we are heartened and maintain our faith in humanity, thanks to the reminders we have in all of you. Thank you all for contributing to the greater good. More personally, thank you for supporting our efforts to do the same.

Happy Thanksgiving! May you celebrate what is good in your life with home cooked favorites and some of your favorite people too :).

Some of my favorite people

Thank you for reading :).

Thanks to the generous folks who paid to subscribe to our Foxhole Journal last year, we were able to fund this site for years to come. Going forward, we are making all publications available for free. No more pay wall! If you'd still like to contribute, you can fund my writing by 'buy(ing) me a coffee' any time you'd like.